Did you know that...
Since its origins, paper has played a fundamental role in disseminating knowledge and technological challenges. It has been with us for over 2000 years and is part of our daily lives from morning till night: we find it in the fields of communication, education, art and culture, commerce, storage, transportation of goods, health, and hygiene. Despite the advent of technology, the demand for paper material is constantly growing, mainly because it is a sustainable alternative to packaging made from fossil fuels.
Did you know that deforestation is NOT a consequence of paper production?
Only 12% of timber use is due to paper production. Furthermore, in Europe, the paper industry promotes sustainable forest management, so for every tree cut down, three are planted. Deforestation involves other causes.
Did you know that paper plantations do NOT harm the environment?
Paper plantations are usually established on land that has ceased agricultural use, thereby increasing forested areas. Additionally, fast-growing species used for paper are excellent absorbers of CO2 and help slow down climate change. The stored carbon is not released when the trees are harvested but remains in forest products, such as the books that fill our libraries.
Did you know that paper production does NOT waste water?
The paper industry is sustainable, and water is not wasted in paper production. Today, producing 1 ton of paper requires 24 cubic meters of water, compared to 100 cubic meters in 1970. Over 90% of the water used in the production process is recycled water, while only the remaining portion is fresh water. We are not only talking about paper made from cellulose but also about other special papers made from waste materials with low environmental impact, such as Paper Stone.
Did you know that we recycle a lot of paper?
The global recycling rate of paper in Europe is over 72%, meaning that 7 kilograms of paper are recycled for every 10 consumed. It's also worth noting that there are some types of paper that do not enter the recycling cycle because we keep them (photos, documents, books) or due to their usage (toilet paper). In the case of paper packaging, the recycling rate further increases to 85%, the highest among all packaging materials in Europe.
Did you know that paper pollutes LESS than electronics?
Paper contributes to the containment of CO2 emissions because it is a natural, renewable, and recyclable product. Let's make some comparisons: reading a newspaper every day produces 20% less CO2 emissions than reading online for about 30 minutes. The greenhouse gas emissions from electronic devices have increased by 50% in recent years, and their production involves the use of fossil fuels, chemicals, water, precious minerals from areas with endangered exploitation, and other environmentally harmful components such as lead, arsenic, and mercury.
Did you know that paper production does NOT consume a large amount of energy?
The average paper consumption per citizen in a year is 200 kg. To produce this, 500 kWh of electricity is consumed, the same amount of energy as keeping a 60W light bulb on for a year or leaving all household appliances (TV, dishwasher, stereo, etc.) in standby mode for an entire year.
Did you know that paper is obtained through a NON-polluting production process?
The paper industry represents an example of excellence in the use of clean technologies, and Italy is a leader in product certification through the European Ecolabel, a label that certifies the ecological excellence of the product.
Did you know that recycled paper IS environmentally friendly?
Cellulose fiber from wood, a natural and renewable resource, is the fundamental raw material for paper manufacturing. When used for the first time in paper production, it is called virgin fiber. Through recycling, it continues to be reused multiple times (an average of 3.6 times in Europe), and is therefore referred to as recycled fiber. In other words, virgin fiber and recycled fiber are the same fiber at two points in its life cycle.
Did you know that paper can be recycled MULTIPLE times?
Fiber packaging materials, such as paper, cardboard, cartonboard, and folding boxes, can be recycled more than 25 times without losing their integrity almost ever. Additionally, many commonly used products have a recycled cardboard core, such as toilet paper, in shoe heels, bags, and suitcases.